Saturday, August 1, 2009

What if things were different?

Have you ever thought this... What if things were different. What if the world wasn't slowly disintegrating? would there be less cancer? What if there was a cure for cancer? Will there ever be? Someone once brought to my attention that even if they did find a cure for cancer, then they wouldn't tell any one because they are making so much money off of it. I never really thought about it that way, but it makes sense.
What if I was home schooled my whole life instead of attending public school? Would I have friends? Would i be smarter than I am now?
What if me and my friends never got out of fights? Would i continue making new ones and leave the other ones behind?
What if I could see God? That is a question that i have been thinking about for a long time. But I finally realized, that every one sees God. When I look at my self in the mirror, I see the work of God. When I look at you, I see the work of God. When I look at the trees, and anything that is on the planet, I see the work of God.
When i see the work of God, it makes me see God for what he is. My God, your God and our God.

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