Sunday, August 2, 2009

Resetting my internal clock

For the past two weeks, I have been going to bed super late, and getting up super late. On Monday I slept in until 3:00pm, But I also didn't head off to bed until around 4:00am. Iv been taking muscle relaxers to relax me before 11:00pm so I can drift off by 11:30, but it doesn't seem to be working. So... instead of staying up super late for the rest of the summer, I am pulling a full out all nighter. No naps during the day and lots of coffee. Ill have to find things to occupie myself other wise Ill be falling asleep, and my internal clock will be even more messed up. Its like I'm suffering jet lag with out traveling. I have been up since 1:00pm yesterday, and I wont be going to sleep again until 10:30pm tonight. Wish me luck!!
:((( I'm soooo tired!!!

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