Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 2: A little more shopping and visiting

Today I didn't do a whole lot. As we speak there is a kitchen full of family members playing cards. That's a constant occurrence out here. A tradition rather. Every night, every one in the house gets together and plays a game of cards or rummy...or what ever Grammie happens to have in her game drawer. Unfortunately, I have spent most of the gaming time, reading. I have had Twilight for about 2 days now, and I am already half way through the book.
I woke up around 10:30 again today, I had Grandma wake me up. I had a shower and Grandma wanted to take me to shoppers drug mart because there was a sale on Patel brushes. I got ready to leave, did my make up, brushed my teeth, all the normal stuff. We left the house around 11:00, and headed out to shoppers. The brush was originally $18.00 and was marked down to $11.00 so I bought it. After that Grandma had to buy Grammie some pie shells and chicken for supper, so she went to co-op and I headed next door to dollarama, hoping to buy myself some reading glasses. ( I forgot my glasses in Manitoba and was getting headaches from reading without them)
After that, we headed over to the pawn shop that my cousin Brendon works at, to say hi, and look at the guitars. After we finished there we headed off to Burger King to see my other cosine, Robyn, at work. She was on break, so she sat down and ate lunch with us.
By the time we got back, it was probably around 3:00. About 5 minuets after we walked in the door, my Uncle Arnold and Auntie Sandra walked in the door. It was great so see them! I really missed them! They happen to be among the 6 in the kitchen right now playing cards.
Any ways, got more reading, and visiting to do so ill update tomorrow!! :P Txt me if u no my number cause I miss all my Friends!!!

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