Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 4: relaxing and visiting

Today I didn't do a whole lot. I didn't get up until noon...unfortunately. But there is a reason for that. I got caught up in my book and was reading until 3 am. I ended up finishing twilight. It was sooo good. I really liked it. Way better than the movie. by far!! The movie is nothing comparable to the book.
Once I actually got up, Grandma got back from coffee with a friend and she brought me back an iced cap. I had macaroni and cheese (Grandmies home made) for breakfast. I can never get enough of that stuff!! its sooo good.
Once I finished eating, Grandmas friend took us to wall-mart because Grandma forgot to pack some of the stuff that she threw on her bed.
Once we got back I went on the computer for a while, and we just hung around for a while.
For supper we had Pizza. It was pretty good, but it had mushrooms on it. Its not that I don't like the taste of mushrooms, but the texture of them...its so...rubbery. and they grow in poop. I don't no...it just grosses me out.
After supper, my Auntie Di, my Grandma and my Grammie all went to someones house. I got to play some guitar which was nice because I couldn't bring my guitar to Moncton.

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