Sunday, August 2, 2009

How God Speaks

There are many ways that God speaks to us. Here are some of them.

1.) God Speaks through the Bible
Knowledge of the bible can save us from errors and suffering. It is the most important and only infallible way of hearing god
-2Timothy 3:16
-Joshua 1:8
-Psalm 119:105
-Psalm 119:133

2.) God speaks through inner Witness
God will often give us a peace. A deep felt in our spirit that this is the will of God.
-Romans 8:16
-Philippians 4:7
-Galatians 5:25
-Job 32:18

3.) God speaks through our conscience
God can convict us about sin or something that he wants us to do.
Remember, God will never condemn you
-Romans 2:14-15

4.) God speaks through inner voice
The small voice of God's Spirit talking in you
-John 16:13-15
-1 Kings 19:8-12

5.) God speaks through circumstance
God can create circumstances or allow them to take place, or the circumstances can be a result of a bad choice.
ex. -Jonah and the Whale
- Receiving money for missionary trip

6.) God speaks through visions
A vision is a personal, pictorial presentation while you are awake. They are not seen with the physical eyes.
-Acts 10:3-4
-Acts 16:9
-Acts 10:10-16
-Acts 7:55-56
-Daniel 10:5-6

7.) God speaks through Audible voice
This is a voice that is physically heard. It is very rare
ex. -Moses' burning bush
- Jesus' Baptism
- The apostle Paul

8.) God speaks through Angels
Angels are beings created by God. They can appear in the form of a human or in "angelic" form.
Angle=Hebrew for messenger
-Hebrew 1:12
-Judges 13:3
-Psalm 34:7
-Isaiah 37:36
-Acts 10:3-6
-Exodus 23:2-21
-2 Corinthians 11:14
*always confirm

9.) God speaks through gifts of the spirit
Some of the gifts of the spirit include messages of wisdome, knowledge, tongues, interpretation of tounges, and prophecy.
-1 Corinthians 12:8-11

10.) God speaks through leadership
Wether you are a full time pastor or a spiritual leader, you need to be humble enough to seek the advice of other church leaders
-Hebrews 12:17

11.) God speaks through others
God may speak through music, testimony, books, teaching tapes, guest speakers, or people comments
- Luke 8:36-39

12.) God speaks through creation
The world and the universe (Gods creation) speak about God
- Romans 1:20

13.) God speaks through arts
God is a creative God and has communicated in some creative ways
ex. -music
- Painting
- Drawing
- poetry
- Exodus 31:1-5
- 1 Kings 7:13-22
- Jeremiah 18:1-6
- Numbers 21:5-9
- Ezekiel 4:1-8
- 1 Samuel 21:11
- John 8:6-9

14.) God speaks through super natural signs
God has guided people and soke through larg supernatural acts
- Exodus 12:21
- Isaiah 38:7-8

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