Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 6: The zoo and Birthday Party

Today, I went to the Zoo with Auntie Di. We had a great time taking pictures and videos. I got the tale end of a really neat lion fight. It was pretty cool. I saw rams, and a green chicken.
once we finished there, I came home and got a really bad headache. So I just sat and did nothing for the rest of the day. We just got back from my Great Great Aunts birthday party.
sorry I'm not writing much tonight, I'm really tired and I still have a headache.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 5: Visiting and more shopping

Today I still did very little. I did end up visiting with my Uncle Arnold and Auntie Sandra for a while. We had a really good supper. Grammie made meat balls and potatoes. they were really good. After supper, they all played cards again. After Uncle Arnold and Auntie Sandra left, my Grandma took me with her out to the mall. We bought Jessica her birthday present. I know that she will like it...even though I know that she probably knows what it is.
It has become increasingly easier to tell Grammie that I'm not Hungary. Which is good.
Although today was almost entirely uneventful, all went as planned.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 4: relaxing and visiting

Today I didn't do a whole lot. I didn't get up until noon...unfortunately. But there is a reason for that. I got caught up in my book and was reading until 3 am. I ended up finishing twilight. It was sooo good. I really liked it. Way better than the movie. by far!! The movie is nothing comparable to the book.
Once I actually got up, Grandma got back from coffee with a friend and she brought me back an iced cap. I had macaroni and cheese (Grandmies home made) for breakfast. I can never get enough of that stuff!! its sooo good.
Once I finished eating, Grandmas friend took us to wall-mart because Grandma forgot to pack some of the stuff that she threw on her bed.
Once we got back I went on the computer for a while, and we just hung around for a while.
For supper we had Pizza. It was pretty good, but it had mushrooms on it. Its not that I don't like the taste of mushrooms, but the texture of them...its so...rubbery. and they grow in poop. I don't just grosses me out.
After supper, my Auntie Di, my Grandma and my Grammie all went to someones house. I got to play some guitar which was nice because I couldn't bring my guitar to Moncton.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Pictures of my trip

Day 3: Beach Glass

Today, My Grandma and Auntie Di took me out further down country towards the ocean. It was a lot of fun. We drove around for probably close to an hour trying to find this place called "beach glass creations." After we finally found it, we went in and looked around. The store was in a light house, right beside the ocean. The main floor of the light house was just the store. It was really neat because everything was in glass cases, and there were people in another room painting things on beach glass to put on a necklace. on the upper levels was a museum. It had all sorts of things that had been washed up on shore, including glass, pearls, shells, and Clay pipes. It was really neat. I ended up buying a nice ring. It has a chunk of green beach glass on it and it is wrapped in decorative silver wire. its really pretty.
Once we were finished in the light house, we went and walked on the beach for a while and picked up shells, pieces of beach glass and rocks. I have a bag full of them to bring home for my friends and family as gifts.
Once we finished that, we started heading home. The ride home was a lot l
onger than the ride there, despite the fact that we actually knew where we were going. Auntie Di and I were going nuts with the cameras. We would stop every couple of minuets for probably 10, just so we could get a good shot. It was a lot of fun...until my camera ran out of batteries. But it was still fun either way.
When we finally finished venturing with our cameras, we stopped at a restaurant to eat. I had the best lesugnua ( I know I spel
t that wrong but its the stuff thats piled with cheese and noodles and tomatoe sauce and hamburger in a larg dish then baked)
We got back to Grammies house and now, every one is in the kitchen playing cards again!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 2: A little more shopping and visiting

Today I didn't do a whole lot. As we speak there is a kitchen full of family members playing cards. That's a constant occurrence out here. A tradition rather. Every night, every one in the house gets together and plays a game of cards or rummy...or what ever Grammie happens to have in her game drawer. Unfortunately, I have spent most of the gaming time, reading. I have had Twilight for about 2 days now, and I am already half way through the book.
I woke up around 10:30 again today, I had Grandma wake me up. I had a shower and Grandma wanted to take me to shoppers drug mart because there was a sale on Patel brushes. I got ready to leave, did my make up, brushed my teeth, all the normal stuff. We left the house around 11:00, and headed out to shoppers. The brush was originally $18.00 and was marked down to $11.00 so I bought it. After that Grandma had to buy Grammie some pie shells and chicken for supper, so she went to co-op and I headed next door to dollarama, hoping to buy myself some reading glasses. ( I forgot my glasses in Manitoba and was getting headaches from reading without them)
After that, we headed over to the pawn shop that my cousin Brendon works at, to say hi, and look at the guitars. After we finished there we headed off to Burger King to see my other cosine, Robyn, at work. She was on break, so she sat down and ate lunch with us.
By the time we got back, it was probably around 3:00. About 5 minuets after we walked in the door, my Uncle Arnold and Auntie Sandra walked in the door. It was great so see them! I really missed them! They happen to be among the 6 in the kitchen right now playing cards.
Any ways, got more reading, and visiting to do so ill update tomorrow!! :P Txt me if u no my number cause I miss all my Friends!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 1: Shopping

Today, I got up at 10:30. I had originally planned on getting up at 8:00. I didn't want to spent my whole time out here sleeping when I could be spending time with my family. Yesterday night, My cosin Robyn came over. It was really nice to see her. She asked me if I wanted to come to the mall with her and her friend Taylor. I agreed. At about 11:30, Robyn texted me around11:30 telling me that she and her parents were going to pick me up at noon! I was getting excited because I was going to get to spend some time with my cousin.
We went from store to store, just looking at things. I was trying to save my money because it was only my first day out here. By the time we hit Clair's, I hadn't yet spent any of my money, other than the $20 I spent in the air port on books. While walking through Clair's, I was just picking random things off the shelf. I had like...3 cellphone Charms, 3 packages of earrings, a pair of pink tweezers and a set of friendship necklaces for ma and my bff Angele. I went to pay for everything that I had picked out and my total came to like...$50.75. It was nuts. I was like...yeah, lets take this and this and this out. I ended up walking out of the store with the tweezers, the necklaces and one cell phone charm. Once we finished in Clair's, we went to get lunch. I had subway while Taylor and Robyn had KFC. KFC is wayyy too Greece for me, so I don't normally eat there. By the end of the day, I ended up with $15 left in my wallet. All I had for the whole wee was $80, by I honestly thought that it would take me more than one trip to spend that amount. :)