Thursday, July 30, 2009

City of angels- We have corruped love (dont read if you havent seen the movie, may contain spoilers)

I just finished watching City of Angels. IT WAS AMAZING!!!
It stared Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan.
Right at the beginning of the movie, When Seth showed himself to Maggie, he says to her, "some things are true whether you believe them or not" I really liked this quote.
I have seen this movie millions of times before, but i never really got that Seth was an angle. In the movie, he calls himself a "messenger of God." What most people don't know, is that messenger of God in Hebrew is Angle. Now, if you think about it, Seth couldn't lie to Maggie because he was an Angle. So when she asked him what he did for a living, and he said he was a messenger, he didn't lie to her, and he avoided telling he that he could never be with her, because he wasn't human.
When Maggie finally found out that he was an angle, it was kinda sad, because its one of those moments when you sit back in your seat and sulk because that's when you realise that the perfect couple will never be able to be with each other. But of course Seth finds a way to be with the love of his life. One of Maggie's patients that she was treating had, at one time, also been an angle, but just because God gave humans free will, doesn't mean that he didn't give his angels free will. Nathaniel Messinger (Maggie's patient) told Seth, that he could turn him self back into a human, but he would have to sacrifice his pure life in order to do so. This would mean ending his life as an angle. Seth ended up jumping off of a building, and when he woke up, he was human again. He was bleeding, he could feel pain. He was alive.
The first thing he did was go to the hospital to see Maggie, but she wasn't there. When he finally found her, They fell madly in love and everything was happy.
The next day, Seth got in the shower, and Maggie went to the store on her bike. On her way back, she was hit by a semi and she died. Seth held her in his arms and she was talking about how she could see an angle.
While Seth was coping with the loss of his love, one of his friends who was an angle, came to see him. His friend, Cassiel (Andre Braugher) Asked Seth that if he would have known that Maggie was going to die, would he have still jumped off the building? Seth replied, "I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One." This is the most meaningful quot i have ever read. This is what true love is supposed to look like. I know that this is just a fairy tale love story, but what if the world was actually like this? what if people fell in love, and stayed in love? This is how it was meant. We have corrupted it.


About 2 weeks ago, I headed out to the lake with my sister and a few friends and my mom. We all had a blast! I brought my friend Savannah, and my sister brought her friend Matt.

Jess Matt

Savannah Me (Chelsea)

My mom

We have a small seasonal site that we camp at. Its a lot of fun! I almoste always bring out a friend or 2, so you never get bored!

On the first day that we were camping, we ended up going out on the lake on my moms friends pontune boat. It was a lot of fun. Savannah and I rode on the pontune and then Matt and Jess rode on our boat. We just have an old fiber glass boat, but its great for skiing and tubing.

Me, Savannah and Scott (moms friend)

Matts head

We did some tubing and some water skiing. Jess, Savannah and Matt did some swimming, i wasnt really into it.

On our way back, all the "kids" were on the pontune along with Scott because he had to drive the boat, and then my mom was on the other boat alone. Scott felt bad for her so he decided that he was going to call me over and get me to take the wheel. I was like...ok...I guess Ill drive. I was thinking that he just wanted a quick break and that he would take the wheel back in a few minuets. All of a sudden, my mom pulls right up close to the pontune, and Scott takes off into the other boat. I was freeking out. You have to keep in mind that i cant see anything because i wasnt wearing my glasses and it was almoste pitch black out.
Now that i look back on it, it was prety funny. but at the time, i wasnt impressed. :)