Saturday, August 1, 2009

Camp and Traveling

On Tuesday, I'm leaving to go to camp again. This is a completely different experience for me this year, because I'm not a camper. Iv been going to this camp for 5 years, and every year I go, I have been a camper. But this year, I'm a counselor. At the beginning of the summer, I went to this camp for training to be a counselor. I was a CIT (counselor in training) for a week, and then I left for home. A lot of the other CIT's were staying for the whole summer. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do that. In October I went to Moncton to see my family for 2 weeks, and it was really hard to be away from home for that long. I couldn't imagine spending 6 weeks out there, without seeing any of my family members.
I am heading out to camp for 4 days. I'm consoling the Jr. mini group. That's the youngest group that they have at this camp. I believe it is from ages 6-8. Iv heard horror stories about the Jr. mini group.
There is the Briar story. According to the other counselors in my cabin, there was a kid named Briar that came to camp one year. The kid said to the counselor that he wasn't feeling good, but sent him to bed anyway, thinking that he was just over tired from all the physical activity that he had done. You have to keep in mind, that there are like 10 boy cabins each of which consist of like...5 bunk beds. Briar was on the top bunk. Being that all these kids are like...6,7, and 8, they are pretty messy. The kid sharing a bunk with Briar, had left his suit case open beside his bed. In the middle of the night, Briar gets sick. Not on his sleeping bag, not in a garbage can, But over the side of his bunk, right into the suit case of his bunk buddy.

Another time, I head a story about this counselor. Apparently he was like...the best male counselor that was at this camp. He had a red, fuzzy bean bag chair that he would sit in and do devo's with his cabin before bed. (devo=bible study or time put away for God) One night this counselor heard something moving. rubbing on fabric. He just put it aside and thought "o...its just someone moving around in his bed." But once the moving didn't stop, he turned on the light, and there was a kid wiping his butt on this bright red fuzzy bean bag chair.

Then there is the poop sticks. Most of the campers don't know about this. At my camp, there are 2 sets of washrooms. There are Lake side hall washrooms. They are really clean, and then there are the summer washrooms. And their not so clean. The summer washrooms have the kind of toilets that you hold the Handel down half way to fill the toilet with water, then when you're finished "doing the do" you push it down all the way, and it opens a hole in the toilet and it goes down. Well... sometimes, when your cleaning the summer wash rooms, poop gets stuck on the sides of the toilet. Its not like its just a little smudge. But its like a full out turd sticking to the side of the toilet bowl. So, to fix this problem, we go into the bush, and get a stick. We bring the stick back into the summer wash rooms and proceed to push the poop down the hole in the toilet. Once we are done with the poop stick, there is a little triangle of trees and bushes that separates the cabins from the summer washrooms. We throw the poop stick into the triangle. Its known as the poop stick triangle.
Sometimes, kids will go into the poop stick triangle and pull out these sticks, not knowing that the are poop sticks. (we don't tell them, because more often than not, the boys will chase the girls with the sticks) Its really gross.

Any ways, I am leaving camp a day early because I am heading out to Moncton to see my family again! I'm really excited! I cant wait to see my great Grandma, and my cousins, and my aunts and uncles! Most of my family lives out in Moncton (New Brunswick) so i never get to see them. The last time I got to see them was in October, when I stayed out there for 2 weeks. But before that, it had been probably like... 4 or 5 years since I had seen them.
I remember that when I had gone for the first time, it was more about the experience of being on the air plane. I couldn't have cared less about seeing my family. I didn't really know who they were. I was so young, that i didn't think to my self "OMG I get to see my family" all i cared was that i got to go on that plane. Its amazing how you can grow into things. Now when I go out to Moncton, its all about seeing my family. Like...I would gladly cut out the 6 hour plane ride, to be able to see my family. Id do it in a heart beat.
Last time I went out there, I got to see my cousin Robyn. I was so excited! We get along pretty well, which is great. She is a year younger than me, but we have a lot of the same interests... more specifically...boys.
My Great Grandma is sooo cute! Shes like... 70 years old and she cooks up a storm! Ill tell you this much, if your at Grammies house, You will never ever go hungry. Its like a pass time. She walks around the house in her little slippers and apron. its so cute!! i cant wait to have some of her cookies.
My Uncle Arnold is sooo awesome! hes a hunter. I remember last time i went out there, he had brought a partridge (prairie chicken) I didnt like it though. I think it has something to do with the fact that I saw it when it was dripping blood. I do the same thing with fish. I just cant eat it if i seen it whit blood on it.
Any ways...ill try to keep an updat every day when im in moncton, along with some pictures.

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